News Centre

Student Led News Centre articles


Fabrics, fabrics everywhere
16 March 2018
The 16 and 17-year-old future seamstresses of Sancta Maria College scouted the local area for the most...
Year 9s reflect on God and the environment
16 March 2018
Insightful experiences, enriching our knowledge about God, exploring topics of religion we've never touched...
Open Afternoon draws the crowds
16 March 2018
The excited buzz of prospective students and their parents filled the classrooms and walkways of Sancta...
Gateway students visit Ocean Race Village
11 March 2018
Students from several secondary schools who are on the Gateway Programme or who are interested in the...
Mary Colmenar leads with Rosary initiative
08 March 2018
Mary Colmenar, a Year 12 student, has inspired others with her new student-led initiative that brings...
Sancta Maria College celebrates academic success of senior students
07 March 2018
Our school community recognised the hard work and achievements of the senior students with an extra special...
Chalking the Drains for Sea Week
06 March 2018
Sea week has begun and students are getting involved by drawing pictures and writing messages with chalk...
Year 11 Geography trip moves and inspires students
06 March 2018
Last Friday the Year 11 Geography class, Mrs Stevens and parents, went on an exciting trip to Otuataua...
Sea Week
06 March 2018
Sea week runs from the 3rd -11th March to raise awareness of how litter gets into the oceans, harming...
Year 12 PE Studies Camp
04 March 2018
As part of the year 12 PE Studies course, Mr. Bacon, Mr. Camp, Mrs. Heffernan and Mrs. Holmes took 42...
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