News Centre

Student Led News Centre articles


Opening School Mass
24 February 2017
A resounding voice echoes through the hall, causing shivers to travel down everyone’s spine.Everyone...
Sancta Maria College Academic Honours
24 February 2017
To recognise the achievements of the senior students a special academic honours assembly was held to...
Year 7 and 8 students ready for a new challenge
22 February 2017
Orienteering is a new sport for Sancta Maria College, which is being introduced to Year 7 and 8 students...
Peer Support producing the leaders of tomorrow
19 February 2017
What do a nuclear disarmament researcher, our school guidance counsellor and a yoga teacher have in common?...
Young Vinnies’ leaders energized
19 February 2017
The purpose of Young Vinnies is to make people feel like a million bucks. However, in order to make people...
Sancta Maria College Welcomes French Exchange Students, Sancta Maria College accueille des échanges d’étudiants françaises
19 February 2017
For the next two weeks, Sancta Maria College will be hosting eighteen French students from Baudimont-St-Charles...
Fund raising for new water station on Athletics day
17 February 2017
A few years ago, a new drink station was bought with the prize money won by the Sancta Maria Maggi t...
Strengthening family bonds
15 February 2017
To prepare for the school year, the staff of Sancta Maria College were welcomed into Whaiora Marae in...
Student leaders blessed at special Mass
14 February 2017
Mass was held in a very packed St Patrick’s Cathedral to pray for and bless our 2017 student leaders...
Introducing our head prefects 2017
07 February 2017
Congratulations to Gemma Deftereos and John Purificacion who have been selected as the College’s head...
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