News Centre

Student Led News Centre articles


Women in IT day
18 August 2016
Four of our students attended a one day event in the heart of Newmarket. The Women in IT initiative held...
Peace team chalks up another success
17 August 2016
The Year 12 Peace Team organised a series of events to support the Peace Foundation. Peace week consisted...
Orchestra delights at KBB Festival
17 August 2016
This week saw Sancta Maria College taking a major part in the KBB Music Festival at the Holy Trinity/St...
Students attend Howick Youth Summit
17 August 2016
A group of Sancta Maria College students attended the Howick Youth Summit where we were able to present...
Festival concert impresses the audience
17 August 2016
Friday night saw our three largest musical ensembles prepare for the KBB Festival with a concert of music...
International Language week begins
17 August 2016
International Language Week began with a sweet start today, with the week kicking off with making delicious...
Maths Week shows problem solving can be fun
16 August 2016
Square roots, quadratic formulae and exponentials. Words that can sometimes lead to much puzzlement among...
Art experience inspires students
15 August 2016
The Y11 art class went to the James Wallace Art Trust Museum in Hillsborough. It was an exciting experience...
Young Enterprise groups to launch their creations this evening
15 August 2016
A pen that will last forever, a portable swing and microwaveable wheat-bag slippers are just some of...
Badminton on the rise
14 August 2016
A growing sport within our school, Year 9 and 10 have just finished a 6 week after school programme of...