News Centre

Student Led News Centre articles


2022 Leadership through Peer Mediation
16 February 2022 by Teresa Croker
To kickstart the beginning of 2022, the Year 12 Peer Support leaders attended a full-day workshop run...
Christmas Boost for Totara Hospice
21 December 2021
The story started in March 2021 when some Sancta students, their parents, friends and teachers decided...
Sancta goes live celebrating Catholic Schools day!
01 October 2021 by Cyprus Causer (Year 10)
Despite being in lockdown, Sancta Maria College still found a creative way to celebrate Catholic Schools...
'I Am Hope' Foundation Talk
27 September 2021 by Samiyah Ambreen (Year 10)
Last term, Hayley an ambassador for the ‘I Am Hope’ foundation, came to Sancta Maria College...
Year 10 Market Day Draws School Crowds
27 September 2021 by Joshua Araos (Year 10)
On the last week of term 2, two Year 10 Commerce classes put their knowledge to good use in the Year...
Enviroweek 2021
07 September 2021 by Chesca Zambrano (Year 11)
Enviroweek was held during Week Four. Enviroweek is a fun, reflective week which helps the school to...
Mathex 2021
30 August 2021 by Alanna Santoso (Year 11)
Maths week 2021 was concluded by a highly anticipated event – an in-school mathex which students from...
Jazz Bands see Success
30 August 2021 by Minju Kim (Year 13)
Just before lockdown, the jazz students spent days busily playing music. With both the KBB Music Festival...
Matangi Whenua Geography competition
19 August 2021 by Jennifer Zeng (Year 11)
Earlier this month, a team of year 11 geography students participated in the highly anticipated Matangi...
Botanical Gardens Excursion
19 August 2021 by Annaleise Farmer (Year 7)
On Wednesday the 12th of May and Friday the 14th of May, Year 7 set off on a science excursion to the...