News Centre

NZ Defence Force

Albin Paulson (Year 10)

Last week, the students at Sancta Maria College had the privilege of being visited by 3 members of the New Zealand Defence force who came to tell us about their journey in the defence force. Two of the speakers had 20 years of experience and one of them was an ex-Sancta Maria College student Sam Munday.

They began their presentation with short introductions of themselves and then went on to talk about the advantages of being in the defence force. They had many different adventures and different obstacles to overcome but they never gave up and are now able to talk to us today.

As an ex-Sancta Maria student, Sam told us many of his great adventures and many different aspects of being in the defence force.

Each of the speakers talked about their family, co-workers, training routines and many other things that persuade us to become a part of the defence force. They also showed us an inspirational video of a fellow soldier, who got to do many cool things such as fixing guns and joining many different clubs.

These members of the NZ Defence Force realised that this was their dream and encouraged the students that if we could join then we might be able to make new friends and discover our true selves.

Therefore, the defence force has given the students a new perspective on the NZ Defence Force and expanded it from just fighting and shooting. We express our immense gratitude towards the NZ Defence Force for taking time out of their jobs and coming and visiting our school.