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Our wonderful Peer Support Group

Year 12 peer support leaders have completed their training and are ready to meet their Year 8 homeroom classes!

Following many training sessions last year and early this year, the students have learnt and developed their leadership, collaborative and active communication skills; prepared to support and mentor their Year 8 students as they learn, grow, and navigate their school life.

The theme for this term is ‘connecting’.  Year 12 Peer Support leaders and their Year 8 Peer Support students explore ‘friendship and conflict and understand the importance of active listening as they learn more about each other and share knowledge amongst the group in a safe environment that embraces the school’s Special Character and Values.

This year, in addition to exploring ‘growth mindset orientated leadership’ and the ‘qualities of friends’, the group are continuing with the following attributes…

FUN-LOVING – have lots of fun together/nurture a sense of humour/role-model.

RESPECTFUL – respect self and others as a unique being/self-worth/positive self-image.

INTEGRITY – be honest and truthful at all times/be consistent and show up on time/be upright, committed and reliable.

EMPATHETIC – to your best ability put yourself in someone’s else shoes.

NURTURING – create a supportive relationship in which one is felt cared for/affirmed and encouraged.

DEVELOPMENTAL – growing in understanding/appreciation of new learning/transforming self.

SINCERE – be yourself at all times/be genuine i.e., being aware of your innermost thoughts and feelings and accept them (self-awareness) and, when appropriate, share them responsibility (self-expression); and accept yourself (self-acceptance).  Role model a spirit of servanthood.

As Year 12 Peer Support leaders, the student leaders will be reflecting on how to activate the school’s ‘SPIRIT’ (Standard, Participation, Initiative, Responsibility, Innovation, Thinking) through the student lens in thinking and actions.  They will visit their Year 8 Peer Support Homeroom, every week during Homeroom, and towards the end of the year, they will prepare the Year 8s with their annual Year 8 Peer Support Dance-Off Celebration!

The peer support leaders for this year are:

Allen Ah Kau
Cyprus Causer
Kasanita Fonohema
Ethan Karl
Catherine Motion
Bomee Widagdo
Joshua Araos
Sophie Cranwell
Amelia Davies
Denzelle Mercado
Allison Serdenia
Ryanne Vidar
Kristine Guerrero
Abigail Martis
Kaylah Matano
Hyebeen Park
Albin Paulson
Max Taylor
Samiyah Ambreen
Georgia Cuer
Santiago Duque
Nicole Gajo
Jonarren Pulevaka
Carleen Tamase
PJ Afamasaga
Maya Elyass
Cady Lim
Jemma McGregor
Holly Pukeiti
Dannel Rajesh
Leo Simpson