Over the past couple of weeks, the Young Vinnies have been cooking up a storm as a part of their outreach programme.
Every other Wednesday selected volunteers from the Young Vinnies are giving up their time to serve the community by cooking individually packed meals for those who are not as fortunate as others.
Recently Mr. Tamayo, Patricia Dela Cruz, Francesca Abesamis, Chloe Capati, Miyuki Muraki, Maverick Ryan, Eseta Verheyen, Catherine Chan, Owen Tamayo and Oliver Tamayo, visited the Otahuhu Vinnies Centre. They managed to cook 60 individually packed meals consisting of mashed potatoes and creamy turkey with vegetables.
One of our Vinnies Leaders, Patricia Dela Cruz, says, “As part of Vinnies, one thing that I really want the members to take out of the cooking project is to realize how far you can contribute to the community by just giving up 2 hours of your after school time”. She continues saying that, “To be able to make bulk meals regularly really opens up your eyes to how much of a difference you can make in people’s lives, especially those who are struggling to get by and can’t feed themselves. It also humbles us and makes us realize just how much we take something like food for granted.”
It is very important for us in a Catholic School, celebrating the year of gratitude, to always be thankful. And as Jesus taught us, to try and put others before ourselves. And the Young Vinnies doing such amazing things to give back to the community is such an awesome example of the many things we can do to show the face of God to others.
Faith Cruz