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Powhiri welcomes new members to our college community

Today saw a special Powhiri to welcome the year 7’s, new students, internationals students and new staff into the Sancta Maria College community.

The new staff and students proudly processed into the Auditorium from the back and sat in their allocated seats up the front. Mrs Moore, our principal, introduced the new staff members to our school and then they were greeted by some existing staff and head prefects.

As a representative of tangata whenua, Mr Green introduced himself in Te Reo Maori and welcomed the newcomers to our school. This was followed by a responding mihi from Mr Rimamate, speaking on behalf of the new staff. The year 7’s sang a beautiful waiata.

Our head prefects for 2020, Francesca Adams and Tristan Tualagi, each gave a short speech which included a little bit about their first days at the school all the way back in 2014!

As everyone exited the auditorium they could grab a biscuit from one of the trays held by some students in order lift the tapu and conclude the Powhiri.

Sydney Causer