Report an Absence
If your child will not be at school today due to sickness, please use the SchoolBridge app to report the absence.
Click the icon below to download and access the app
The App also provides several other communication channels.
Leave Passes
No student may leave the school grounds during the day, including morning tea and lunchtime, without a valid reason and without following the procedures. These can be viewed in the 2025 Parent and Student Handbook by clicking the following link:
2025 Parents and Students Handbook
Other Absences
Students cannot leave the school grounds during the day (including morning tea and lunchtime) without a valid reason and without following the procedures. These are:
Feeling sick whilst at school
If your child becomes ill during the school day, then they must go to the College medical room. The medic will make an assessment and if required she will contact the parent/caregiver to organise a pickup from school. Students are not allowed to phone or text home. Parent/Caregivers are required to come into the medical centre via the College Main Reception and sign the student out.
Planned appointment during school
Students are not allowed to phone or text home without a teacher’s permission.
If you wish to take your child out of school during school hours, Parents/Caregivers are required to use the SchoolBridge app to report an absence. When collecting your child, please come to the Student Centre to sign the student out. A leave pass will be issued from the student centre. On the day and just prior to pick up, the student must show this pass to their subject teacher, then go to the Student Centre for collection.
Arriving late
You must sign in at student centre and proceed to class. Your parent/caregiver will need to advise reason for lateness through the SchoolBridge app.
If lateness persists, an afterschool detention will be issued and/or parents/caregivers will be contacted by their Kaiurungi and a meeting will be arranged with parents/caregivers to discuss options to get students to school on time.
Requesting time off during term
All requests for leave from school for non-medical reasons (e.g., family holiday during school time) must be made in writing to Mrs Dianne Blackbourn ( at least two weeks prior to the event. With 12 weeks holiday annually, the College strongly recommends there are no trips outside of these times. There is a strong correlation between attendance and achievement.