It is the time of year that Sancta Maria College comes together as a faith and school community to celebrate the Feast of the Assumption.
The Feast of the Assumption is a significant day for the College as this helps to further emphasize the gratitude we should show towards not only Mother Mary but also our own mothers and to be grateful for everyone around us.
The Mass began with an address from our Special Character/Deputy Head Girl and Boy – Aislinn Manuyag and Johnny El-Boutty, followed by the procession of Bishop Patrick Dunn, Father Kevin, Father Craig and our Head Boy, Maurice De Jesus and Head Girl, Tahlisa Stevens.
The Kapa Haka, our worship band and select members of the Senior Choir, Sanctus, led our music and singing for our special Mass.
As the Mass came to a close, on behalf of the school, a special gift was presented to Bishop Pat in recognition of his 25 years as Bishop of Auckland.
Faith Cruz