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Senior drama students deliver polished performances

After spending many hours during term 2 rehearsing and memorising lines, our senior drama had a nerve-racking, nail-biting evening in front of a small audience performing their given shows at the end of term 2.

On Monday 24 June 2024, Year 11 drama students gave a polished, gripping, and entertaining performance of ‘The Single Man’.  On Tuesday evening, Year 12 drama students gave a rousing and emotional performance of ‘Dawn Raids’ and on the final evening, the Year 13 drama students gave a comical and convincing performance of ‘The Big OE’.

Each performance was not only for the audience, but as part of their NCEA assessment.

All three shows were amazing and show-cased each of the performers drama skills that they had learned, honed and perfected over the last weeks, months and years.  Thank you to all the senior drama students and the AV leaders who supported their performances.