News Centre

Special Assembly with Game Developer Gabe Newell

Koyuki Ho (Year 11)

Gabe Newell, known for being the co-founder and President of software company Valve Corporation, visited Sancta Maria College on the 11th of May as a guest speaker. He discussed with the students who currently study digital technologies about the questions they had regarding Steam, the online platform developed by Valve, and other queries.

Before the Q&A session, former students of SMC came to see Gabe where they were able to have a short conversation with him until the bell came for second period. The event was held in the auditorium, and lasted for almost an hour. It ended with Gabe giving high-fives to the students, and some afterwards meeting him face to face just to greet, shake hands, and thank him.

We were all incredibly lucky to have Gabe Newell as a guest in our school, of all other schools in New Zealand. He’s inspired those interested in the gaming industry and briefly informed us of plans the corporation has.

Thank you to Gabe Newell for taking time to personally meet us during his stay in New Zealand, and Ms Al-Rubaie for organising the event in the first place. The students were truly grateful.