Mikaela Bangalan, Meara Magsalay-Downie, Cyprus Causer and Alanna Santoso participated in the south and east NIWA science fair. From term two, they have been working on this project as part of the science club. Meara and Mikaela worked together while Cyprus and Alanna worked individually. They delivered their project last Thursday and were interviewed by the judges on Friday. The prize winners will be announced at Elim College on August 27.
Mikaela and Meara’s project is called “A baby’s best friend”. They tested different diapers to see which diaper brand was the most absorbent. They tested Huggies, Treasures, Pams and Littlies. Their project was in category 4 – Planet Earth and beyond.
Cyprus’ project is called “Eggxperiment”. She investigated osmosis with an egg in three different solutions and then a further experiment using celery in three different solutions. Her project was in category 1 – Living World
Alanna’s project is called “Heart rate controlled smart light”. She tracked her heartbeat so when she falls asleep and her heart rate slows down, her reading light will turn off so its not on all night long. Her project was in category 5 – technology.
Thank you to Mr Williamsons and Mrs Curham for giving us this opportunity and supporting us.
Cyprus Causer