News Centre

Tayler moving up in kart racing

 Year 7 student Tayler Payne’s last big meeting in the Vortex Mini ROK took place in Tokoroa over the weekend. He finished the Top Half Series 2nd overall with his two podium finishes being 1st place in Auckland and a 3rd in Tokoroa.

The Top Half Series is contested annually between the clubs in the ‘top half’ of the North Island. It has been running for the past four months and is based on your points over the series. It started in Hamilton, then Auckland, Whangarei and finally, this past weekend, Tokoroa. His 2nd place overall was very well-deserved as he was competing against a very strong field, showing great consistency and determination.

The Tokoroa meeting was Tayler’s last race in Vortex Mini Rok. He will now move up to the next category, Rotax Junior, and is participating at this level for the first time this coming weekend, in Taranaki.