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The final curtain closes on Mamma Mia!

Kleon Lae Ninofranco

From 10 – 13 May, our school’s production performed the hit musical Mamma Mia! in the school auditorium. This provided a wonderful experience for the cast, students, and school community to enjoy a night of music and fun – it also served as a fundraiser.

Jemma who played the character Sophie, Ella who played the character Donna, and Lymujah who played the character Sam, along with the remaining Mamma Mia! cast have displayed great resilience and attention to detail in practicing, preparing and performing a memorable show for everyone.

In the beginning, acting as a character that was generationally older proved to be a challenge for Lymujah as he didn’t “relate with Sam on many aspects”. Lymujah researched his character in depth to portray ‘Sam’ on a deeper level. Whereas Jemma says she can relate to Sophie, her character, given “she wasn’t that much older than me and had a similar personality”. Whilst Ella observed others in her life to gain inspiration on how they acted, their likes/dislikes, and took notes while watching the movie.

Jemma, Ella, and Lymujah talked about the highlights of acting in a musical. Ella believes a musical has a fun dancing element that makes it stand out as opposed to a play. One factor is the iconic soundtrack from the original band, ABBA, which played a vital part in enhancing the performance for everyone.

Their passion, determination, dedication, and perseverance for acting was shown in Mamma Mia! – it certainly provided a fabulous night of entertainment for the audience. Thank you to all the cast and crew who performed and practiced over many months to make a magical night for all.