Uniform Shop
2025 Opening Hours:
Tuesdays and Wednesdays | 8.00-9.00am |
Thursdays | 2.30-6.00pm |
First Saturday of the month (unless this falls on a public holiday weekend.) |
9.00am-12.00pm |
NB: the shop will not be open during school holidays or on long weekends.
If you have any questions regarding the school uniform or wish to volunteer in the Uniform Shop, please contact Dianne Guinan:
T: (09) 272 5601 E: uniformshop@sanctamaria.school.nz
Click this link for the new uniform price list.
Click this link for the second-hand uniform price list.
Click this link for sports uniform guidelines and price list.
You can now purchase your Sancta Maria Catholic College uniform on the Elizabeth Michael Uniforms website.
This is a private web portal specific to your school and you do require the school code to register and purchase garments plus you will find a pdf of the school uniform list as a reference for you to download. This can also be used should you require a quote for WINZ.
To access the new portal and protect your privacy please do the following:
- Click log-in at the top right-hand side of the Elizabeth Michael home page – Home – Elizabeth Michael Uniforms
- Fill out your details and the school log-in code – SMC202
- Elizabeth Michael admin will send you your confirmed user name and password
- Enter your user name or email address plus your unique password in the log-in section and you are ready to start purchasing.
You can also visit Elizabeth Michael Uniforms
65 New North Road, Eden Terrace, Auckland.
T: (09) 358 1680 E: uniforms@elizabethmichael.co.nz
Uniform Years 7-10
Junior Skirt and Trouser Set |
Junior Short and Trouser Set |
Junior skirt Junior tailored or fitted trousers (Terms 2 & 3 only) Junior girls blouse Jumper – navy wool Sandals – McKinlay, Safari black or black Roman sandals (term 1 & 4 only) Shoes – black leather lace up school shoes (slip-ons, street or sports shoes are not permitted) Socks – Sancta Maria College navy blue school ankle socks Jacket – navy junior school jacket |
Junior shorts Junior tailored or fitted trousers (Terms 2 & 3 only) Junior boys shirt Jumper – navy wool Sandals – McKinlay, Safari black or black Roman Sandals (term 1 & 4 only) Shoes – black leather lace up school shoes (no slip-ons, street or sports shoes are not permitted) Socks – Sancta Maria College navy knee length school socks Jacket – navy junior school jacket |
Click this link for full details and guidelines of our school uniform
Uniform Years 11-13
Senior Skirt Set |
Senior Regular fit Trouser Set |
Shirt – blue 3/4 sleeve Skirt – navy regulation Fitted blazer School cardigan (optional) School scarf (optional) School tie Opaque navy blue stockings (60+ Denier) Shoes – black leather lace up school shoe with dress socks or black leather loafers with invisible socks (no slip-ons, street or sports shoes are permitted) |
Shirt – Long sleeved Regular trousers Regular Blazer School vest School scarf (optional) Shoes – black leather lace up school shoe with dress socks or black leather loafers with invisible socks (no slip-ons, street or sports shoes are permitted) |
Senior fitted Trouser Set |
Senior Formal Uniform |
Shirt – blue 3/4 sleeve Fitted Trousers Fitted blazer School cardigan (optional) School scarf (optional) School tie Shoes – black leather lace up school shoe with dress socks or black leather loafers with invisible socks (no slip-ons, street or sports shoes are permitted) |
Shirt or blouse – blue 3/4 or long sleeved Regular fit, fitted trousers or navy skirt (regulation school) Blazer – regular or fitted Shoes – black leather lace up school shoe with dress socks or black leather loafers with invisible socks School tie |
We ask parents to support the College by ensuring your sons and daughters have the correct uniform and help them take responsibility for their appearance by wearing the uniform correctly. These regulations apply when students are at school, representing the school or commuting to and from school.
The only jewellery that students are allowed to wear are one pair of small plain gold or silver ear studs worn in the lower earlobe and a watch.
No earrings in upper ear.
Piercing of eyebrows, nose or any other body piercing or tattoos and tongue studs are NOT permitted.
Only blue, navy, white or black hair bands may be worn.
Nail polish, make-up, or tinted moisturiser are NOT permitted.
Necklace with cross or taonga are allowed to be worn.
Wet/Cold Weather
School jackets are optional but, in the winter, can only be worn over a jersey, not as an alternative to a jersey.
School jackets are allowed to be worn in classes during Terms 2 and 3.
In Terms 1 and 4 the school jacket may be worn in the morning without a jersey underneath.
Uniform Rules
Boys’ shorts must be worn tidily at all times.
Boys’ shirts must be tucked in at all times. This includes during interval and lunchtime.
If students wish to play a sport they must change into their PE uniform.
Boys’ socks are worn up at all times.
Junior girls’ skirt hemlines must be on the kneecap.
Senior girls’ skirt hemlines must be below the kneecap.
Top buttons of shirts or blouses are to be done up at all times.
T-shirts are not permitted under school shirts.
Any clothing worn under the uniform must not be visible.
Regulation footwear must be worn at all times.
Shoes are to be clean, polished and properly tied at all times.
Sports shoes can be only worn in the gymnasium and on artificial turf.
Hair must be neatly presented, tied up and off the face. Fringes must be above eyebrows.
No part of a hair style should be shorter than a number 2.
No extreme hairstyles (e.g. shaved head, shaved patterns, undercut, dreadlocks, mohawks) or unnatural colours (e.g. dyed, two tone, streaks).
Hair that is below the bottom of the collar is to be tied back at all times.
Gel may only be used to keep hair down, not to sculpture it or stand it up.
Boys are to be clean shaven at all times.
Scarves are optional but only the school scarf can be worn and only during Terms 2 and 3.