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Walk the Line during NZ Fashion Week

Johannah Matanguihan, Bomee Widagdo and Holly Pukeiti

Johannah memories from the event: I originally made my dress for the school ball as part of an assessment.  When we were told that there was an opportunity to enter our designs into the ‘Walk the Line’ fashion show competition, I participated so I could get an experience of modelling my own clothes on the runway which I had designed and made. Two weeks prior to the show, we attended a dress rehearsal where we were taught how to walk on the runway and consulted on our makeup and hair. On the day of the show, we arrived at the Viaduct Events Centre at 6:15am to get dressed, have our hair and makeup professionally done, and rehearse walking on the runway. It was a very fun and valuable experience with all our hard work paying off as it gave me insight into what being part of the fashion industry was like. Seeing all the other designs was exhilarating and it just goes to show how everyone has their own styles and preferences, which is the beauty of fashion: there is always something for everyone.

Holly’s memories from the event: This year, I had the amazing opportunity to be part of Walk the Line, during NZ Fashion Week. It’s a fantastic event where young fashion designers have an opportunity to showcase their talent and love for fashion on the main runway. I created a garment that my model, Milar, wore on the runway in front of industry-renowned judges. Creating my own garment and seeing it on the runway was a thrilling experience. Thanks to this event, which is run by YMCA’s Raise Up team, I met and connected with many talented designers from around the country, hearing the inspiration behind their remarkable garments. Being a part of Walk the Line was an incredible experience that showed me a little glimpse into what it might be like working in the fashion industry.

Bomee Widagdo shares her memories from the event: Walk the Line is a great opportunity for young fashion designers to display their talents and love for fashion. This year, I had the opportunity to be a part of Walk the Line fashion runway during 2023 NZ fashion week. Throughout the year, I had to create a garment that reflected my interests, to showcase on the runway. On the day, the organisers of the event had invited hairstylists and makeup artists to doll us up for the runway. I was also able to interact and connect with the many young designers in this show as they showcased their astonishing talents. Overall, this was an incredible experience to remember as I learned more about the fashion industry as well as people’s passion towards fashion.

Congratulations to all four students who participated in the event – you certainly did yourselves and the school proud with your courage and hard work.  Amazing effort.