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Year 11s conquer their fears at Wero White Water Rafting

Kathrina Casandra Bacay (11DNN)

Gushing waves, drifting currents, and suspense filled rafting—the Year 11 PE studies classes embarked on an adventure to Vector Wero White Water Rafting on 26 April 2023. Accompanied by our teachers (Mr. Bali, Ms. Samaeli, and Ms. Holmes), students jumped into their swim and safety gear and indulged in multiple water activities such as rafting, kayaking, and paddle boarding. The topic for this term’s physical education study is ‘risk and safety’.  Students assess the different types of risks associated with an outdoor activity and practice responsible behaviours to maintain both physical and emotional safety.  This excursion introduced them to a fun, yet educational, experience that taught them about the types of risks that needed to be managed and how to behave to maintain safety.

Many students were ecstatic upon arrival at the event. Despite the chilly weather, we were lucky enough to have a window of sunny rays that lasted the whole time. The classes were split into two groups that either went rafting or kayaking and paddle boarding. The rafters travelled up an escalator to uncover a marvellous manmade river with waves that propelled the boats left and right.  It was crucial to work together within the raft as a group of six.  With the help of an instructor, students persevered their way through this challenging body of water, with parts of the water park having extreme falls. This played a big part in the excited screams that were heard, especially after the massive waterfall.  Whilst one group enjoyed the extreme falls, the other were calmly navigating single and double kayaks, or paddle boards (group and solo) in the waters below.

Although some students were anxious about this water-based activity, help from their peers with words of encouragement and their prior knowledge about risk management from education, reassured them that they could conquer their anxiety.  And they did!  Within this outdoor excursion, students were able to learn and effectively demonstrate both responsible behaviours — which increased their social responsibility — and risk management.

On behalf of all the Year 11 PE studies students, it is with great pleasure and appreciation that we were able to enjoy the luxury of this trip. A special thank you to all the staff members involved with its preparation and organisation and to all the staff at Wero who collaborated with our school to make this day possible. Thank you.