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Year 13s enjoy Ancient Civilisations

Johann Ang

During one of their rostered days off, the Year 13 Classics class took a trip to the Auckland War Memorial Museum.

Currently in class, the students are studying the influences of Roman ideologies across different time periods and in different countries.  Specifically, they have been looking at how the Pantheon’s architecture has inspired America through the US Capitol Building and the Jefferson Memorial and New Zealand’s War Museum.  For many, it was a completely different experience to visit the museum after learning about all the features of its design – like its inscription, columns, friezes, and its dome. It was fascinating to see just how much of the building could be linked to the ingenuity of the Romans.

Besides looking at the architecture, the students also went to visit the museum’s current exhibition; called Egypt: In the Time of Pharaohs. With over 300 artefacts, the gallery had so much information on the Ancient Egyptians.

It had material that related to the Pharaohs (their royal regalia, bloodline, and achievements), Egyptian gods, how to read and write Egyptian hieroglyphics, and of course, mummification.

While not related to the students’ current internal, it will help them with their upcoming studies that focus on important ancient figures – which would include the famous queen herself, Cleopatra.  Thank you to Ms. Redwood and Ms. Bradley for planning as well as supervising the trip!