The Sancta Maria College Year 9 and 10 mathex competition was held last week in the auditorium. Teams of four competed in their homeroom classes. They had to answer a series of maths word problems in 30 minutes.
Each team had one runner who had to run up to the front and check if their answer was right. If it was right, they moved on to the next question. If it was wrong, they could try again or pass. Each question scored the team points to find the winning team. The winners in each Homeroom are:
9BRN- Scarlette Oliver, Abigail Spence, Lavinia Shaba and Claudia Mistar.
9CLE- Andrew Bolting, Daphne Sheffield, Claire Aragon, Jorey Matulino, Reuben Cooper, Niven Ray Cabello, Jonathan Cao and Samara Anubhav.
9DNN- Sonia Titus, Jerseyleigh Gallardo, Truc Linh Phan and Rosie Phung.
9LIS- Marie Patlong, Aiden King, Harrison Edwards and Eleni Motuliki.
10BRN- Isabella Chan, Gabrielle Perez, Amanda Brabant and Glenn Fromont.
10CLE- Elijah Rata, Patrick Ahn, Jared Ocampo and Eric Park.
10DNN- Aron Sanchez, Marcellin Chan Mow, Ben Connolly and Liam McBride.
10GNS- Alfonso Dela Cruz, Joaquin Ordona, Nathan Pereira and Sean Hancock.
10LIS- Thomas Heald, Daniel Farrugia, Cole Ford and Christian Stolten
10MAC- Gemma Holt, Louisa Nelson, Maria Zaugg and Veta Ackroyd.
Sydney Causer